If you would have told me 5 years ago that in 5 years I’d be where I am today I would have probably laughed in your face. Today marks 5 years since I packed my bags in Florida and moved to Chicago. A city unknown to me. 5 years ago I wasn’t sure how long I’d make it or if I ever would. I just knew I wanted change right then and there and I had to have it. Life is crazy, but I had a dream and a passion. I stuck with that dream and that passion. Today, I wouldn’t change that decision for the world. I became someone I probably could have never been where I grew up. I run a successful and busy photography business. I love my job and even more, I’m happy. I’ve been happy. I’m so happy. In 5 years I’ve seen more of this country and the world then I could have ever imagined. Which has made me feel like my heart has grown 10 sizes. It’s been half a decade and it doesn’t feel like it. Where did the last 5 years go? Through the ups and downs, I have to say it has been some of the best 5 years of my entire life.
Thank you to every single person I met along the bumpy route and became my friend. Thank you to all my clients from the beginning to now. The clients who still continue to help me grow my business and encourage me to try new things with them. Thank you to my family, if it wasn’t for you my first few years here would have probably sent me right back to where I came from but you let me go and supported me in hard times. I’m forever grateful for that. Without my friends, family or clients, I wouldn’t still be in Chicago and be as successful as I am. I look forward to the next 5 years and 5 more after that. I can’t wait to expand and grow my business in 2016. Thank you everyone for making it happen and allowing this one small girl to live out her dream.
Portrait of me by Nicole Leever.
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Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.
You. Are. Awesome. Just came across your work a few weeks ago, and you have a phenomenal talent – I truly cannot get enough of your work.
I am so proud of you!!!